Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let it snow!

I am finally getting my wish. It is snowing!!! I had no doubt I would get the snow I had been wanting, I mean I do live in Alaska after all. I have just had to wait patiently (not so much) for the snow to come.
The snow started to fall around noon yesterday. Lance and I were so excited. We hurried and picked sissy up from school (yesterday Lance really did not want to go. He said "I just want to spend the day with you". So of course I gave in and didn't make him go into school) and then headed back home before the roads got slick. We set a big bowl outside to collect the snow to make snow cream later.
It didn't take long for our bowl to get full. Lance loved making ice cream with mommy. He loved the taste even more!
By the time daddy got home around 5 there was about 5 inches of snow on the ground so daddy and Lance decided to that the driveway needed cleared off. Daddy fired up the snow blower and Lance got out his shovel. I stayed inside and watched almost the entire time from the bedroom window. Lexie was napping and I had supper on so I wasn't able to join them. I couldn't take my eyes off the two of them. It was the cutest thing. Lance took on the chore like such a big boy. Once I even seen him fall down and I wished I was rite there to grab him and help him but. I was relieved to see he wasn't hurt at all. With the biggest smile on his face he threw himself all the way back and started making a snow angel. He definitely has his mom and dad's 'roll with the punches' attitude.
Once they had finished our drive way they went over to clear off the neighbors driveway and steps. Her husband is out of town for the week so Andrew wanted to make sure she was taken care of. James and Andrew have a mutual agreement to help out if one or the other is out of town. It isn't that I couldn't snow blow our drive way or clean off our steps when Andrew is gone. The problem is what to do with two small kids while getting the job done. Lance was so cute. I met him at the side door and he asked for Daddy's shovel. He said, "Jamie is gone so we gotta take care of Robyn!". He's such a little man. He is learning so much from his daddy and becoming quite the little gentleman. He is always running ahead of me to open doors and helping out where needed .
I enjoyed watching my guys. As I watched Lance I couldn't help but get teary eyed as I thought of how big he is now and how fast time has flown. Its crazy to think that Next year we will be sending him to kindergarten! I am so blessed to be able to stay home and be able to cherish every moment with the kids. God is so good to us.

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