Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Lance and Lexie love animals. We have tons of books all about them. Lately, Lance has taken a real interest in dinosaurs. Last night while putting him to sleep he ask me, "Mom, where do dinosaurs lives?" I said, "Hun, dinosaurs are extinct. That means that they aren't alive anymore." O my goodness! If I would have known the type of reaction that I was going to get, I would have answered way differently. He then Got very upset and asked, "why aren't they alive anymore? Who shot them?". I then said, "Nobody shot them. There wasn't enough food for them to eat because dinosaurs are so big". He then asked, "what do dinosaurs eat?" I said, "leaves and trees". This is where is gets so sad. He then starts crying, yes crying, like real crocodile tears, "Why can't dinosaurs live here? We have tons of trees! But I've never seen one and I really want to see one!" I then Start explaining how crocodiles, alligators and lizards are all types of dinosaurs and next time we go visit grandma and grandpa we will go to the zoo and see them. No, that wasn't good enough. Still sobbing, "but I want to see a long tall colorful one! I'll never get to see one! I wanted to shoot one and eat it!" Haha can you tell we talk about hunting allot!
O my goodness! It was the craziest conversation I have ever had. Seriously, what would you say?

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