Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

The last week I've been kinda bummed. I've been watching all these Facebook statuses of people playing in the snow. Here in Alaska the weather has been so strange. Temperatures getting to almost 50 and rain!! What the heck, this is nuts!!! We are ready to go skiing and snowmobiling, but there isn't enough snow and what snow there is still melting!! Ok I'm done whining lol. On the plus side, each day we are gaining a little bit of daylight!!

Last night we went to a church to watch fireworks for New Years. It was lots of fun and with 35 degree weather it made for perfect firework watching weather. Lance loved watching the pretty colors sparkle in the night sky. Lexie didn't care for the loud noises so she buried her head in my should and would peek at them some. After fireworks we went to Avalanche frozen yogurt and got us a special treat.

Today, Andrew and I start getting healthy again. We are each about 25 lbs from our goal weight. Our main goal though is getting healthy and energized.

2012 was a great year for us! God blessed us with the wonderful chance to fulfill a dream of ours, moving to Alaska! We are loving our new home and all the opportunities that are here for us. We can't wait to start having visitors to show our new home to.

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