Monday, January 28, 2013

Information overload

So much has been going on and coming up that I don't know where to start. So I am just going to do a brain dump
*Friday I fly out for St.Louis to attend Pampered Chef's spring launch. I am going all by myself. I am excited, but getting really nervous especially with talk of daddy heading out of town for work. I have a baby sitter on stand by, but not sure I can leave my babies for 3 days.
*Lately, Lexie refuses to call me mommy. She will just call me daddy. When I say, "Say mommy" she will say, "Ok Holly". She has no problem calling Andrew daddy though.
*somehow Lance has really gotten off his sleep schedule. He is staying up till 11 and waking up at 9. I am trying so hard to fix this. When I go up to tuck him in he is playing and just not tired. He will give me every excuse not to go to bed. I'm hungry, I got to pee, read me one more book, I didn't tell daddy good night, are just a few of the excuses that I get. I have even started the bedtime routine earlier and it isn't really helping.
*diets are going very well. We joined the Alaska Club this past week and our taking advantage of everything they offer. Some locations even have a pool. Yesterday, after church we took the kids swimming. They had a blast. Lance had his goggles on and was swimming everywhere!!! I mean, everywhere!! He was like a fish. He wasn't scared at all being in water that was over his head. Lexie had fun but was cold most of the time. She rode on daddy's back and just enjoyed being held my mommy.
*my brother, Matt, and his wife, Stephanie, are due with their baby girl in just over a week. We are so excited for them to have their first child. So many of my friends are pregnant. It's exciting!
*speaking of babies, Jason and Ashley found out this past week they are expecting number two!! We are thrilled. Super surprised, but absolutely thrilled for Amelia to become a big sister. We already have 8 (well almost) nieces and 2 nephews. I wonder what this one will be???
*Lance's second soccer game went okay. He is all excited at first then half way through the game he just wants to come sit with mommy and daddy. This is all new to him. He doesn't understand the concept of team yet. Most the other kids are in daycare full time and are used to playing with each other. Lance goes once a week for about 4 hours. He will catch on the more he plays. I have to remind Andrew that Lance is only 3.
*our days are getting longer and longer. We are gaining about 30 minutes of daylight a week
*we have had a short cold snap. Saturday stayed around 0 degrees and Sunday was -18 on the way to church and warmed up to 0 later in the day. It will continue to get warmer throughout the week and we even have some snow in the forecast.
* yesterday Lance wanted to stay in church with us for the worship service. Lance absolutely loved it! He couldn't help but dance and clap. At times he was in a trance just watching the band play. Everyone got a kick out of the little boy standing in the pew dancing and clapping.
*Lexie is over her separation anxiety, Thank God!! She now loves new places and even meeting new people. She is very attached to Lance. Anytime he goes somewhere she will ask me "Where's Wance?" The other day he went with dad somewhere and when he got home she was running around yelling "Yeah! Wance Home! Wance home! Yes!"
*Lexie is continuing to do wonderful using the potty!
*The kids continue to keep growing. A shopping trip is in our near future. Lance's 3T jeans are way too short! Speaking of jeans, Lance hates jeans. I have to practically force him to wear them, then the second we get home he rips them off. Lexie's 2t clothes aren't exactly cutting it either. She has a few things that do but not many. We have already sent several outfits and lots of shoes to cousin Amelia.
*daddy hasn't had to travel too much lately with his job. He did make a day trip down to Homer last week, but that was the first in a while. There is talk of him maybe leaving Wednesday for a week, but we will see.
*spring is just around the corner. We can't wait for the warm weather, because then we will have visitors. Lance is super excited to have all his grandparents come to visit. We have told him when the snow melts they will come. So we hear the question, "when is the snow going to melt?" quite often.

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