Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Interview with my little guy

I seen this post on Pinterest about interviewing your kids and asking them questions about you. I thought this would be so fun to do with Lance. He comes up with some of the funniest things sometimes so this was perfect to do with him.

What makes mommy happy?
"When I clean up"

What makes mommy sad?
"When I do bad things"

What does mommy do that makes you laugh?
"When you doing funny things like sit ups on the big ball"

What was mommy like as a kid?
"I don't know........pretty!"

How tall is mommy?
holding his arms stretched out "BIG!"

What is mommy's favorite thing to do?
"Do funny things like playing with toys"

What does mommy do when your not around?
"Be sad"

What is mommy really good at?

What is mommy not very good at?
"Sitting on the ball doing sit ups and cooking" I asked him why he thought I wasn't good at cooking and he said "because you always need my help"

What is mommy's job?
"Pampered chef"

What is mommy's favorite food?
"Cauliflower and broccoli" I have no idea why he thinks that

How are mommy and you the same?
"We both cook and clean up"

How are we different?
"The way I say HappyO" He likes to add the O onto Happy's name

Where is mommy's favorite place to go?
"Taco bell" I have no idea where he got that idea. So not my favorite!

I had fun interviewing him. He took the matter very serious and some questions he would even say, "Let me think about that for a minute".
When Lance is a little older I will have to interview him again and see how his answers change.

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