Monday, January 14, 2013

Crazy wacky weather

Last weeks we got back into the swing of things. Lance had gymnastics on Tuesday which is always fun. It is so funny watching all the little kids. When it comes to gymnastics with the younger kids the girls are way better. In Lance's class there are 5 girls and 3 boys. The 3 boys are always lagging behind. I have noticed though when it comes to the bars, swings or anything that uses allot of arm strength that is where Lance really shines!

Wednesday the kids went to school. Every week when I pick up and drop off the kids at school there is always a bald eagle sitting in the tree next to school. Well , Wednesday when I went to pick them up there where 9, yes 9, eagles all in the same tree and several more in surrounding trees. It was crazy! The kids have learned to check the trees for eagles. Even Lexie will yell out "Eagle!" When she sees them.

Thursday and Friday we didn't do much. I had gotten a tetanus shot on Tuesday and had a reaction to the shot so I was not feeling well at all. I had a swollen sore arm and was running a fever. I was told to take Benadryl and that makes me so drowsy. Andrew really stepped up. He came home from working, cooked dinner and took care of the kids and me. Just one more reason why I love him sooo much!

Saturday we had planned a fun hike since the weather was so warm, but our plans got spoiled by the rain. We did take advantage of a break in the rain by going to the park. Lance and Andrew had tons of fun sledding. Some of the hills are pretty big but there are some smaller hills that were perfect for them to sled. Lexie and I played on the play set for a while but it was pretty slick and after Lexie took a nasty fall we decided that was a bad idea. We had fun playing fetch with Happy instead.

I am so glad we enjoyed the day outside in the snow, because the rest of the weekend was full of rain and 45 degree weather. Almost all the snow is gone now. It is crazy!!!

Sunday we did get out to church and then I had a pampered chef party later in the day. The main roads aren't bad at all but the side roads are just a sheet of ice. It is so bad that schools were called off today which is a first in a very long time. Some low lying areas even have flooding because the culverts and drains are frozen. I am just worried about the next couples of days when it cools off and the snow comes (yes Snow is coming). Snow on top of all this ice could make for some super slippery road conditions. We went grocery shopping on Saturday, so we are ready for whatever comes our way, or at least, I think we are.

Next weekend soccer starts. I can't wait to watch my little guy. I am sure it will be very entertaining!

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