Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just another day in paradise

Yesterday morning, I woke up to the sound of a little girl coughing. I grabbed her out of her bed and got her a drink. It was still early so I laid her in bed with me. She was so sweet. She lay there holding my hand with one hand and rubbing my face with the other. Her little hands are soooo soft!! I kissed her on the cheek and said, "I love you" so she kissed me on the cheek and said "I Wuv you too!"
We were soon joined by bubby. We all just laid in bed together all cuddled up. It was great. We had no where that we had to go and had all the time in the world. I love moments like these! I love being a mom!
Last night while tucking my little guy into bed he says to me, "mom, I love you as big as a rock!" I smiled and said "I love you as big as a rock too!" He asked, "how big a rock? I love you as big as a huge rock!"
My heart melts everyday for my children! God has blessed Andrew and I beyond measure! He is so good to us! Thank you God so much for my wonderful husband and two perfect children!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Information overload

So much has been going on and coming up that I don't know where to start. So I am just going to do a brain dump
*Friday I fly out for St.Louis to attend Pampered Chef's spring launch. I am going all by myself. I am excited, but getting really nervous especially with talk of daddy heading out of town for work. I have a baby sitter on stand by, but not sure I can leave my babies for 3 days.
*Lately, Lexie refuses to call me mommy. She will just call me daddy. When I say, "Say mommy" she will say, "Ok Holly". She has no problem calling Andrew daddy though.
*somehow Lance has really gotten off his sleep schedule. He is staying up till 11 and waking up at 9. I am trying so hard to fix this. When I go up to tuck him in he is playing and just not tired. He will give me every excuse not to go to bed. I'm hungry, I got to pee, read me one more book, I didn't tell daddy good night, are just a few of the excuses that I get. I have even started the bedtime routine earlier and it isn't really helping.
*diets are going very well. We joined the Alaska Club this past week and our taking advantage of everything they offer. Some locations even have a pool. Yesterday, after church we took the kids swimming. They had a blast. Lance had his goggles on and was swimming everywhere!!! I mean, everywhere!! He was like a fish. He wasn't scared at all being in water that was over his head. Lexie had fun but was cold most of the time. She rode on daddy's back and just enjoyed being held my mommy.
*my brother, Matt, and his wife, Stephanie, are due with their baby girl in just over a week. We are so excited for them to have their first child. So many of my friends are pregnant. It's exciting!
*speaking of babies, Jason and Ashley found out this past week they are expecting number two!! We are thrilled. Super surprised, but absolutely thrilled for Amelia to become a big sister. We already have 8 (well almost) nieces and 2 nephews. I wonder what this one will be???
*Lance's second soccer game went okay. He is all excited at first then half way through the game he just wants to come sit with mommy and daddy. This is all new to him. He doesn't understand the concept of team yet. Most the other kids are in daycare full time and are used to playing with each other. Lance goes once a week for about 4 hours. He will catch on the more he plays. I have to remind Andrew that Lance is only 3.
*our days are getting longer and longer. We are gaining about 30 minutes of daylight a week
*we have had a short cold snap. Saturday stayed around 0 degrees and Sunday was -18 on the way to church and warmed up to 0 later in the day. It will continue to get warmer throughout the week and we even have some snow in the forecast.
* yesterday Lance wanted to stay in church with us for the worship service. Lance absolutely loved it! He couldn't help but dance and clap. At times he was in a trance just watching the band play. Everyone got a kick out of the little boy standing in the pew dancing and clapping.
*Lexie is over her separation anxiety, Thank God!! She now loves new places and even meeting new people. She is very attached to Lance. Anytime he goes somewhere she will ask me "Where's Wance?" The other day he went with dad somewhere and when he got home she was running around yelling "Yeah! Wance Home! Wance home! Yes!"
*Lexie is continuing to do wonderful using the potty!
*The kids continue to keep growing. A shopping trip is in our near future. Lance's 3T jeans are way too short! Speaking of jeans, Lance hates jeans. I have to practically force him to wear them, then the second we get home he rips them off. Lexie's 2t clothes aren't exactly cutting it either. She has a few things that do but not many. We have already sent several outfits and lots of shoes to cousin Amelia.
*daddy hasn't had to travel too much lately with his job. He did make a day trip down to Homer last week, but that was the first in a while. There is talk of him maybe leaving Wednesday for a week, but we will see.
*spring is just around the corner. We can't wait for the warm weather, because then we will have visitors. Lance is super excited to have all his grandparents come to visit. We have told him when the snow melts they will come. So we hear the question, "when is the snow going to melt?" quite often.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Leave a mark

Everyday I set aside time to teach the kids. They are both so smart and enjoy learning. I strongly believe kids should learn by reading and writing not by sitting in front of a TV with loud colorful objects and music. I mean, when they get to school they are going to have to sit and be quiet. I have been working with Lance on his letters. He has been picking it up really fast and learning what sounds each letter makes. He knows how to spell mommy's name, HOLLY; he knows both of his grandma's start with the letter 'S', he even knows how to spell his name. Up until yesterday he had always put all the letters of his name randomly on the paper. Yesterday he spelled his name all by himself in order from left to right. I am so proud of my big boy! He is getting so smart. He is all about learning! When we are driving he loves to point out the shapes of the sign. He will say, "mom, that sign is a rectangle!" as we are driving by.
I love hearing him with so much excitement say "that letter is in my name" anytime he sees a L A N C or E
I am still working on Lexie. She loves to repeat things she bears her big brother saying. She can almost count to 10 now. She knows 1 2 3 4 5 and 7 8 9 but we can't quite get it all in a row and add the 6 in there. She will get it soon. She has almost all of her colors down. When we are driving I ask her what colors the cars are that go by. If it is a weird shade or she doesn't know it then it is automatically "pink".
Yesterday, Lance was using a permanent marker to draw. I allowed him to use it, but explained to him not to write on himself or the table because it won't come off. He did very well with it. Well, at some point Lexie got the marker and did not do so well. She drew on her face of all places. As daddy was coming home from work I told him to be prepared when he seen Lexie. Daddy stopped by the store and bought the kids colorful WASHABLE markers to use. They love the new markers.
We love learning time! We read lots of books and talk about what is in each one, especially ones about animals. We count, we draw, color, sing songs and even take a break for exercises. My favorite exercise to do with the kids are jumping jacks. They are so dang funny. I am sure they think the same thing about mommy.


Lance and Lexie love animals. We have tons of books all about them. Lately, Lance has taken a real interest in dinosaurs. Last night while putting him to sleep he ask me, "Mom, where do dinosaurs lives?" I said, "Hun, dinosaurs are extinct. That means that they aren't alive anymore." O my goodness! If I would have known the type of reaction that I was going to get, I would have answered way differently. He then Got very upset and asked, "why aren't they alive anymore? Who shot them?". I then said, "Nobody shot them. There wasn't enough food for them to eat because dinosaurs are so big". He then asked, "what do dinosaurs eat?" I said, "leaves and trees". This is where is gets so sad. He then starts crying, yes crying, like real crocodile tears, "Why can't dinosaurs live here? We have tons of trees! But I've never seen one and I really want to see one!" I then Start explaining how crocodiles, alligators and lizards are all types of dinosaurs and next time we go visit grandma and grandpa we will go to the zoo and see them. No, that wasn't good enough. Still sobbing, "but I want to see a long tall colorful one! I'll never get to see one! I wanted to shoot one and eat it!" Haha can you tell we talk about hunting allot!
O my goodness! It was the craziest conversation I have ever had. Seriously, what would you say?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Snow much fun

Yesterday was a very low key day. We enjoyed some great family time. Most of the day was spent outside playing in the snow.
It seems like anytime we are out with the kids all the neighbor kids come out to play too.
One of the kids had a great idea to build an igloo. We quickly organized a way to make one. It was lots of fun playing with all the kids.
Playing in the snow really wore out the kids. They slept so good last night!!! We really enjoy the snow and looking forward to more snow fun filled days.

My little soccer champ

Saturday morning was Lance's first soccer game. Lance was so excited all morning. He got pretty nervous when we got there. he had never performed in front of so many people. He met his team mates and coached. They started out by discussing what could be their team name. Lance said he loved dinosaurs and another little boys said Raptors were super fast, so Lance's team became the Raptors. Then they each were given their uniforms. Their colors are baby blue, and Lance's number is #2.
The coaches briefly explained to the kids what they would be doing and then gave each one of them a ball to try out. It was pretty funny watching the five kids trying to kick the ball into the goal. Lance's goal was to kick the ball as hard as he could. He would sit the ball down, back up to get a good run at it and then kick it with all his little might. It was awesome. This didn't work so well in the game though. While he was backing up to kick it another kid would come running and kick it before he got a chance. Lance wasn't discouraged though. He would just run along with the other kids. You could tell he was really having fun. He smiled the entire time. Well till the end when him and another boy crashed heads with each other. By then he was pretty wore out and hungry.
Our first soccer game was a success. We all had so much fun. Lexie can't wait to be able to play with big brother. I am enjoying being a soccer mom! Daddy loved cheering on his big boy. It is crazy how fast time has flown. God continues a to bless us with these special moments. We love our little babies so much!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Big helpers

I have the best kids, I mean the best. I love them so much and we love including them in everything we do.

They are both such good helpers.

Lately Lexie has really started being mommy's big helper. She loves to help me unload the dish washer, put away clothes, pick up and cook. Anytime I am cooking she will get in the utensil drawer, grab a spatula and say "I wanna make".

Lance has always been a big helper. He loves helping mommy and especially daddy. Lance loves being one of the guys.

Tonight the kids helped me make no bake cookies. We got a little messy, but they helped clean up so it was no big deal.
Andrew and I love our big helpers so much.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let it snow!

I am finally getting my wish. It is snowing!!! I had no doubt I would get the snow I had been wanting, I mean I do live in Alaska after all. I have just had to wait patiently (not so much) for the snow to come.
The snow started to fall around noon yesterday. Lance and I were so excited. We hurried and picked sissy up from school (yesterday Lance really did not want to go. He said "I just want to spend the day with you". So of course I gave in and didn't make him go into school) and then headed back home before the roads got slick. We set a big bowl outside to collect the snow to make snow cream later.
It didn't take long for our bowl to get full. Lance loved making ice cream with mommy. He loved the taste even more!
By the time daddy got home around 5 there was about 5 inches of snow on the ground so daddy and Lance decided to that the driveway needed cleared off. Daddy fired up the snow blower and Lance got out his shovel. I stayed inside and watched almost the entire time from the bedroom window. Lexie was napping and I had supper on so I wasn't able to join them. I couldn't take my eyes off the two of them. It was the cutest thing. Lance took on the chore like such a big boy. Once I even seen him fall down and I wished I was rite there to grab him and help him but. I was relieved to see he wasn't hurt at all. With the biggest smile on his face he threw himself all the way back and started making a snow angel. He definitely has his mom and dad's 'roll with the punches' attitude.
Once they had finished our drive way they went over to clear off the neighbors driveway and steps. Her husband is out of town for the week so Andrew wanted to make sure she was taken care of. James and Andrew have a mutual agreement to help out if one or the other is out of town. It isn't that I couldn't snow blow our drive way or clean off our steps when Andrew is gone. The problem is what to do with two small kids while getting the job done. Lance was so cute. I met him at the side door and he asked for Daddy's shovel. He said, "Jamie is gone so we gotta take care of Robyn!". He's such a little man. He is learning so much from his daddy and becoming quite the little gentleman. He is always running ahead of me to open doors and helping out where needed .
I enjoyed watching my guys. As I watched Lance I couldn't help but get teary eyed as I thought of how big he is now and how fast time has flown. Its crazy to think that Next year we will be sending him to kindergarten! I am so blessed to be able to stay home and be able to cherish every moment with the kids. God is so good to us.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Interview with my little guy

I seen this post on Pinterest about interviewing your kids and asking them questions about you. I thought this would be so fun to do with Lance. He comes up with some of the funniest things sometimes so this was perfect to do with him.

What makes mommy happy?
"When I clean up"

What makes mommy sad?
"When I do bad things"

What does mommy do that makes you laugh?
"When you doing funny things like sit ups on the big ball"

What was mommy like as a kid?
"I don't know........pretty!"

How tall is mommy?
holding his arms stretched out "BIG!"

What is mommy's favorite thing to do?
"Do funny things like playing with toys"

What does mommy do when your not around?
"Be sad"

What is mommy really good at?

What is mommy not very good at?
"Sitting on the ball doing sit ups and cooking" I asked him why he thought I wasn't good at cooking and he said "because you always need my help"

What is mommy's job?
"Pampered chef"

What is mommy's favorite food?
"Cauliflower and broccoli" I have no idea why he thinks that

How are mommy and you the same?
"We both cook and clean up"

How are we different?
"The way I say HappyO" He likes to add the O onto Happy's name

Where is mommy's favorite place to go?
"Taco bell" I have no idea where he got that idea. So not my favorite!

I had fun interviewing him. He took the matter very serious and some questions he would even say, "Let me think about that for a minute".
When Lance is a little older I will have to interview him again and see how his answers change.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Crazy wacky weather

Last weeks we got back into the swing of things. Lance had gymnastics on Tuesday which is always fun. It is so funny watching all the little kids. When it comes to gymnastics with the younger kids the girls are way better. In Lance's class there are 5 girls and 3 boys. The 3 boys are always lagging behind. I have noticed though when it comes to the bars, swings or anything that uses allot of arm strength that is where Lance really shines!

Wednesday the kids went to school. Every week when I pick up and drop off the kids at school there is always a bald eagle sitting in the tree next to school. Well , Wednesday when I went to pick them up there where 9, yes 9, eagles all in the same tree and several more in surrounding trees. It was crazy! The kids have learned to check the trees for eagles. Even Lexie will yell out "Eagle!" When she sees them.

Thursday and Friday we didn't do much. I had gotten a tetanus shot on Tuesday and had a reaction to the shot so I was not feeling well at all. I had a swollen sore arm and was running a fever. I was told to take Benadryl and that makes me so drowsy. Andrew really stepped up. He came home from working, cooked dinner and took care of the kids and me. Just one more reason why I love him sooo much!

Saturday we had planned a fun hike since the weather was so warm, but our plans got spoiled by the rain. We did take advantage of a break in the rain by going to the park. Lance and Andrew had tons of fun sledding. Some of the hills are pretty big but there are some smaller hills that were perfect for them to sled. Lexie and I played on the play set for a while but it was pretty slick and after Lexie took a nasty fall we decided that was a bad idea. We had fun playing fetch with Happy instead.

I am so glad we enjoyed the day outside in the snow, because the rest of the weekend was full of rain and 45 degree weather. Almost all the snow is gone now. It is crazy!!!

Sunday we did get out to church and then I had a pampered chef party later in the day. The main roads aren't bad at all but the side roads are just a sheet of ice. It is so bad that schools were called off today which is a first in a very long time. Some low lying areas even have flooding because the culverts and drains are frozen. I am just worried about the next couples of days when it cools off and the snow comes (yes Snow is coming). Snow on top of all this ice could make for some super slippery road conditions. We went grocery shopping on Saturday, so we are ready for whatever comes our way, or at least, I think we are.

Next weekend soccer starts. I can't wait to watch my little guy. I am sure it will be very entertaining!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


We are doing just fine. We haven't done much this week due to sickness. I took Lance to the doctor Wednesday morning and he was diagnosed with bronchitis and an ear infection. As the week went on everyone else got sick too. We spent the whole weekend inside coughing and sneezing.
This week things are getting back to normal. Lance resumes gymnastics on Tuesday and both kids will be at Preschool on Wednesday (I switched it back to Wednesday because it is so much nicer having a break in the middle of the week).
We have something exciting getting ready to start!! I signed Lance up for indoor soccer. The season runs from January to March. Shin guards have been bought and we are super excited. When we told Lance that he would be playing soccer he said "what if I hit someone with my bat?" Haha wrong sport there buddy. We told him what soccer is and what he will be doing. He is really looking forward to it.

Lexie does perfect during the days with potty training. We have even bought her big girl panties to replace the training pants. We have decided that at night time we will continue putting a diaper on. Most mornings she is dry but still some not. She just turned two and still sleeps 10-12 hours a night. That's a long time for her to consistently make it. Also part of our night time routine is getting a drink before bed. I tried laying her down without one but she would cry and say she was thirsty.

Andrew and I are doing pretty good on our diets, at least the dieting part. Exercising has kind been put on the back burner this week. The whole not being able to breathe thing kinda put a damper on that. A friend gave me a pass for a FREE month of jazzersize. I figure after a month I will know if it is something I would like to keep doing.

The weather has gotten back to normal temperatures (20's) but no sight of snow in the forecast.

My little brother, Matt, and his wife, Stephanie, are due in less than a month now. We are looking forward to welcoming Addylynn into the world!! Matt got an iPhone so we will get to FaceTime with them when she comes!!

I am off to bed now. I just went up and checked on Lance who was supposed to be asleep, but he is playing with blocks instead. He's such a sweetie and so silly at times. When I took his picture he said, "Is it ok if I don't say,'cheese'?" He was really concentrating!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

He did what????

Lance is such a nut! The things he comes up with boggles my mind.
Sunday Lance came out of the bathroom and says, "Mom, there's gonna be bubbles when you flush!" I ask him why and he said "I put bath soap in the top so when you flush there will be bubbles in the bottom!"
He was so happy to show me! I am really impressed that he figured out how the toilet works all on his own. I mean he is 3! There are adults that probably don't know.
He later told me how fun it will be to squirt at the bubbles.
That boy is something else. He never stops amazing me with the things he comes up with.

Happy New Year!!!

The last week I've been kinda bummed. I've been watching all these Facebook statuses of people playing in the snow. Here in Alaska the weather has been so strange. Temperatures getting to almost 50 and rain!! What the heck, this is nuts!!! We are ready to go skiing and snowmobiling, but there isn't enough snow and what snow there is still melting!! Ok I'm done whining lol. On the plus side, each day we are gaining a little bit of daylight!!

Last night we went to a church to watch fireworks for New Years. It was lots of fun and with 35 degree weather it made for perfect firework watching weather. Lance loved watching the pretty colors sparkle in the night sky. Lexie didn't care for the loud noises so she buried her head in my should and would peek at them some. After fireworks we went to Avalanche frozen yogurt and got us a special treat.

Today, Andrew and I start getting healthy again. We are each about 25 lbs from our goal weight. Our main goal though is getting healthy and energized.

2012 was a great year for us! God blessed us with the wonderful chance to fulfill a dream of ours, moving to Alaska! We are loving our new home and all the opportunities that are here for us. We can't wait to start having visitors to show our new home to.