Monday, October 1, 2012

Bucket List

I don't have a bucket list, but if i did seeing the Northern Lights would definitly be at the top of my list. Well, I would be able to cross that off my list because last night after 9;00 pm we loaded up the kids, drove to the top of skyline road and watched the northern lights. It really was breath taking! The most predominate colors are green and blue and they were beautiful!! We even seen a flask of pink. Lance loved the colors but Lexie was more interested in watching what everyone else was doing. She kept waving to everyone yelling, "Hi" and "bye".
When we got home we realized we could see the lights from our back deck through the trees. It was pretty cool but not as neat as sitting at the top of skyline. I am thinking Andrew and I need to have a date night soon! I can't think of anything that would be more romantic than having a picnic watching the Northern Lights. I even downloaded an app on my iphone that tells us the Aurora Forecast, so we will know when the lights are the most active.

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