Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pinterest Pin Day 2

I found this pin on Pinterest for toddlers and I thought it would be perfect for Lance & Lexie. I told them that today we were going to do a science experiment. Lance was really excited. Lexie just looked at me curious.
The experiment is you put vinegar in a few small bowls, color it different colors, then put baking soda in a container ( I used a Tupperware bowl and a round cake pan), give your kids eye droppers (I didn't have those put a I had a medicine dispenser and a syringe) and let your kids go to town. They loved squirting the colored vinegar in baking soda and watching it sizzle. Lexie actually pointed and said "hot?" When I first showed her what to do. I guess she thought it was boiling. The kids loved it and it kept them busy for about 30 minutes. I think if you had eye droppers and they did the tiny amounts that it would last longer.
Lance enjoyed the experiment the most. He loved mixing the colors. Lexie's favorite part was running her fingers through the mix. She is all about having to touch everything!!
I give this science experiment 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
It was super easy, safe, and cheap! I had everything on hand anyway. We just used the old baking soda from the freezer that needed replaced anyway. We will be doing this again for sure! I bet the kids will want to do it again when daddy gets home from work.

I also tried to more pins that night, I did a chicken bacon ranch macaroni which turned out fabulous ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
And I made strawberry brownies. I wanted to try the strawberry brownies because I thought they would be perfect to bring to my pampered chef shows this month since it is Help Whip Cancer month. I thought serving the pink brownies would be a perfect way to bring up the topic. Well they weren't very good. They had no flavor at all. I give them ⭐ for being super easy. That's it.

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