Friday, October 19, 2012

Pinterest day 3

So yesterday we didn't get a chance to do any pins but I figured it was ok since we did 3 the day before.
Today we did bubble art. I colored bubble mix and let Lance blow bubbles at an art canvas. We did this while Lexie napped, because I figured it would be best to try one at a time. We didn't want to stain anything.

I set everything up in the bathroom since it would be the easier place to clean up.

Of course, Lance loved the bubbles. What kid doesn't? He had lots of fun mixing colors and watching them pop and make a "painting". I think next time we do this we will wait and do it outside. This is not something I recommend doing inside. I give this pin 4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
We can't wait to try other pins with bubbles. One in particular that I am curious about is blowing bubbles when it is below freezing outside. Will they really turn to ice and break?

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