Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Single mom

Lately I have been feeling like a single mom, and I hate it! I miss my husband so much and these kids miss their dad.
Tuesday after a trip to the grocery store I was putting away groceries and realize that my fridge had bit the dust. It was awful!! Blood was running down the back of the freezer and into my fridge. I hurried and called the property manager then called the doctor's office to cancel and yet again reschedule Lexie's 2 year check up. I spent the rest of the morning keeping the kids out of the kitchen cleaning up the horrible stinky mess. I threw the groceries I had just bought in a cooler and was wishing for some ice when I looked around and realized "I don't need ice! I am surrounded by snow!" The snow worked great till the next morning when the new fridge showed up.
Wednesday evening Andrew got home. We were super excited for a 4 day weekend. That is, until he was told he would be leaving Friday afternoon for the North Slope. I was so bummed. I had a Pampered Chef party Thursday night at a assisted living home. I felt I couldn't cancel since this was special needs people. I held back the tears all the way to my show. At the show I had a great time. I really enjoyed working with the women as we prepared the food. They had invited their families to come and the workers were there also. They had a great show and earned tons of free product for their kitchen. They can't wait to start baking for the next bake sale.
Friday, Andrew had to go into work to get clean uniforms and pack up tools. The kids and I picked him up and ate lunch with him. Andrew told Lance that he was leaving for a little bit again. Lance didn't cry but he said over and over again "I don't want you to leave, daddy! I'll miss you!" It was hard on all of us. I tried to change the subject numerous times and give Lance something else to focus on but it didn't matter. Andrew was tore up! He hates being away. It was till we dropped Andy at the airport that Lexie realized what was going on. She cried and screamed "I want to come with daddy! Where daddy go?"
What's worse is that rite after dropping him off she had he two year check and was due for a shot. She didn't great at her doctor's appointment. I held her down for her shot and she yelled "ouch! She hurt me!" I held her close as she looked at the nurse and gave her a dirty look and said "you're mean!" Haha it was kinda funny. Lexie is in the top 95% for height and weight! She is a big girl! But I already knew that.
It has been rough juggling everything at the house all by myself. Thank God for the gym. When I am getting frustrated I go workout and feel so much better!
We face time with daddy every night but it just isn't the same! Poor Andy looks beat. He is on his 4th week of 12+ hours a day. Up on the slope the temperature has been -30 and worse. One day it was -48 with a wind chill of -78. He gets to work in a heated shop so I am so thankful for that. Also he is fed super great! At this point we don't know when he will be home. They said one week but as it gets closer to Friday it looks like maybe next week.
We can't wait for daddy to get home. We have a super fun family trip planned. It will be so awesome to relax and spend time with daddy!
This past weekend I booked my parents tickets to come visit us! They will arrive on Lance's birthday and be staying 10 days! We are so excited! Then a couple errors later grandpa and grandma Conway and Uncle Timothy will be flying up for a week! We have so much fun stuff planned for this summer; fishing trips, whale watching, moose hunts, etc....

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