Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love technology

We have really enjoyed daddy having his iPod. Every night we FaceTime him. Tonight Lance fell asleep early so Lexie had daddy to herself. They have each other lots of kisses and Lexie showed daddy all her stuffed animals. These last two weeks have seemed to take forever! We really miss daddy.
As bad as it may seem to me, I have to be so thankful that he is only gone for two weeks. A new friend of mine's husband left the same day as Andrew. He will be back in May and when he returns they will be packing up and moving to Northern California. You see, they are a military family. He will be re stationed in California and then be off again leaving them to readjust to their new life. When I want to have a pitty party for myself I just think of our military families. We are surrounded by them and just in the short time we have been in Alaska have seen so many families come and go. I am so grateful for our military men and women and the sacrifices they make!
Tonight I am so thankful for technology to keep in touch with loved ones and our military who protect us.

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