Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dynamic Divas

This summer I joined a group called Dynamic Divas. It's a group of all women business owners. Our group has a huge variety of business owners. We have a lawyer, a Christian book writer, an artist, a pampered chef consultant (me), a lady who started her own insurance agency, a restaurant owner, other home based business owners, and all sorts of other amazing women. 
We meet together atleast once a month to support each other. We talk about what's new with our businesses, upcoming events like fundraisers and opportunities to serve in the community. It is so uplifting and inspiring to hear each of these women share. 
Right now we are working on fundraising for the Breast Cancer Detection Center. 
I love our group!!! We had 31 people at Thursday's meeting!!! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Preparing for school

I am so in love with Lance's school! They really are a huge part of the community!! I love how they have taken so many steps towards making the first day of school so comfortable for the incoming Kindergarteners. 
This month we've been able to go to Lance's school several times. One day was "meet the bus" day. We went to his school to learn all about the school bus and bus safety. We watched a short silly video all about Pooh riding the bus. Then a bus driver took us out and talked all about the proper ways to approach the bus and the rules for riding the bus. We even took a short bus ride. Mommy and Lexie got to go along too! 
Last Friday the school had a field trip. Even though the Kindergarteners hadn't started school yet we was able to go along too. We met at school so Lance could ride the bus while mommy and Lexie followed. 
Monday was the Lance's assessment followed by a tour of the school and meeting his teacher, Mrs.Mack. 
Tuesday, we went into town to by school supplies and new clothes for school. I waited till the last minute because I didn't want stuff getting misplaced with the move or him and Lexie getting into his new school supplies and using them. I'd hate for him to go to school with half used glue and broken crayons. 
Tuesday night was open house for the school. Everyone met in the gym and started off by saying the pledge of allegiance, singing the school song, and the Alaska flag song. 
The principle told of some upcoming events and also about all the funding the school was getting this year which is awesome! All the students got school T-shirts. Every Friday the kids are encouraged to wear their shirts. Momma and Lexie bought shirts to wear to Lance's cross country meets. We then got to go check out the classrooms and meet with the teachers. Lance was super excited to see his name on a cubby then find his name on his chair. Their classroom is soooo cute!!! 
So after all the recent visits to school I was super comfortable having Lance riding the bus on his first day instead of driving him myself then walking him to his classroom.
Lance's school has so much to offer. I love the small classroom sizes and I love his teachers!! I am so excited to see what this school year has to offer. 

"God, watch over Lance's school. Keep the busses safe as they travel to and from school. Give his teachers patience and knowledge to deal with each kid as they need. Bless them in all they do! Amen"

Lance's first day

had been dreading yesterday for the last year; Lance's first day of school! 
How did my baby get so big!!?! It seriously seems like I linked and he grew up. 
I made sure to put Lance to bed early so he would be easy to wake up. Daddy was gone Tuesday night working in Chicken. Before Andrew leaves he always tells Lance, "take care of mommy and Lexie". Well, apparently part of taking care of mommy is to sleep with her so she has someone to cuddle with. 
I set the alarm for 7:45 am and by 8 am I had finally convinced Lance to wake up. He kept saying, "I just wanna take a nap!". 
I put his clothes in the dryer so they would be nice & warm. He didn't like the shirt that I had picked out so we switched shirts then Finally got fully dressed.
Mornings have been a touch cool so we made sure to put on a jacket. 
I stood with Lance on the bridge joking about different things then we heard the bus!! 
He was super excited to get on the bus. It was so cute seeing the faces of the little boys that would probably be his friends peeking out the window at him. 
I did so good till his back turned and walked up those stairs. It was then that I started to cry a little.
How did this happen?! Where has the time gone?! We now have a kindergartener in the house! 
When Lexie woke up she was upset that she couldn't go to school too, but I told her she could help mommy today and Lance would be home later. Our day went by fast. We had a few errands to do. One of the things we had to do was pick up some packages from the post office. The post office is located past Lance's school. Both times going by we slowed way down to see if we could see any kids (Lance) playing at recess. No kids were out though. 
Daddy got home by 3:30 so we were all out on the bridge waiting for Lance to get off the bus. 
When the bus stopped we could see Lance sitting next to the window. He was talking to another little boy and just kept waving and smiling at us. He didn't quite understand that it was his turn to get off the bus. The bus driver opened the window and asked what our kids name was she yelled "Lance it's your turn". Lance hopped up and quickly got off the bus. He was greeted by Lexie with a huge hug saying"Lance, Lance, I missed you!!!" Alaska even jumped up and kissed him.
When we asked Lance if he had a good day he quickly said, "guess what! We had two times of recess!!" Then Lance excitedly told me that the little boy in blue had invited him over but he forgot his name. Sounds like Lance had a great first day!!! 
Lance won't stay at school every day till 3:30. Kindergarteners can leave at 1:30 if they want, but I will have to pick him up. We decided the first few days Lance should ride the bus because that's when they have extra help for the little ones to learn which bus is theirs and how everything works. Also, the bus drivers are learning the stops too and we want to make sure she knows our stop. We are the ones with the golden retrievers and the crazy waving momma lol. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Running club

Yesterday Lance had an assessment to see where he is at before school starts. They asked him tons of questions and lance did wonderful. It was pretty funny to watch him with his teacher. 
There was 3 questions that Lance didn't know the answer to. When asked to point to the picture of people discussing something he said "nothing looks disgusting to me". When showed a picture of a door hindge he knew what it did and where to find one but didn't know what it was called. Also Lance wasn't able to identify the word "cold" out of 6 different words. Everything else he really surprised his teacher. He knew small math problems, small words, and other things.  I am so excited for all the things he will learn! 
We also found out about a running club (cross country) that is going on till the end of September. Yesterday was their first practice so we thought we'd try it out. Lance loved it!!! They will do practices twice a week and a few meets. Their first meet is Next Thursday!!! 
I can't believe my little baby is starting school tomorrow!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pioneer Park

Pioneer Park
Since getting back from the lower 48 we have been preparing for the big move!! Actually this isn't a big move at all for us. This will be the smallest move this Conway family has ever made! 
Andrew has had to work out of town some but has taken 3 day weekends to get things done. 
We spent Thursday at Pioneer Park. The weather was gorgeous!!! Pioneer park is open all summer long and has TONS to do!
The kids ate ice cream cones, played at several of the parks, rode the carisole, fed the ducks and we all played put put golf. 
We even toured the old river boat and visited the aviation museum. 
Like I said, "there is tons to do there" and almost all of it is FREE

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fun at the fair

Andrew had been out of town Friday through about 2 am Sunday morning. The kids and I woke up, got ready and went to church so daddy could catch up on his sleep. 
When we returned we ate lunch then all of us headed to the Fair!!! 
For some reason it wasn't busy at all, which was totally fine by me. 
We bought the kids some tickets and let them ride whatever rides they wanted. Lance is now 48 inches tall and was able to ride whatever he wanted! 
He was so excited to ride them and insisted that he can ride them on his own!! Look at his face in this picture! He was having so much fun!!
This one was funny because he had just won a toy playing a game and was still playing with it while riding this ride.
Lexie wasn't able to do as much as lance because she wasn't as tall and also because of the boot on her foot they wouldn't allow her in the inflatables. 
After using up all of the tickets we then went for dessert! Lexie got cotton candy and Lance got a big chocolate ice cream cone! 
daddy & I got a big pretzel and a funnel cake! 
We even sat and watched a magic show. The kids got to help the Magician with parts of it. They loved it!! 
We had a blast at the Fair. Each year gets even funner as the kids are able to do more and enjoy more.