Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What's new

Lexie has learned a new word "Why?"

Lexie's birthday is just 12 days away!!!

Christmas is 13 days away!!

2013 is just around the corner!!

Andrew is caught up on all the updates he was doing for his work, so he shouldn't be having to go out of town as often.

Winter is finally in full force here in Alaska. Snow is coming down heavy with lots more expected.

Lance is starting to keep his room clean on his own!! I have been telling him that if he keeps his room clean he can have friends come over.

Lexie is still going strong with the potty training. I still put a diaper on at night at a precaution but most mornings it is dry and she potties rite away.

No more sippie cups at this Conway household. My kids don't need them anymore!!! They are getting sooo big!!

My Pampered Chef business is going great and growing each week! Today I officially registered for Spring launch!

Preschool has been changed to once a week on Fridays. On Fridays they have a special day filled with music. Lance & Lexie love music so this will be perfect. Hopefully this makes it so much easier on Lexie too.

Lexie has become such a girly girl! She now knows a few of her colors and purple is definitely he favorite. She is all about jewelry and anything to go in her hair. She also loves shoes (already in a size 8). Lexie may be super girly but she is no wuss. She's as tough as they come. I am still trying to figure out how me, a Tom Boy, ended up with this little Princess!! I am loving it though!!

Used to Lance learned everything by watching what we did. Now he is learning by trying everything!! He is constantly getting into things. He is so curious! He wants to figure things out all on his own. I can't turn my back on him for one second.

Life is good! God has blessed Andrew & I way more than we deserve and more than we ever could have imagined!

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