Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Lexie!!

WOW! Where has the time gone?! It was just two years ago I lay in a hospital bed in St.Louis watching it snow out the window waiting for the arrival of my baby girl. Now, here I am, two years later rocking my little (i mean big) two year old to sleep watching it snow out the window in Alaska.
Alexis Anna, you are the sweetest thing ever. I never imagined that I would have a little girl as girly as you are. I love the little person you are becoming. You are super sweet and love mommy to hold you and cuddle with you. You are so smart and such a good listener. You have daddy wrapped around your finger. It is so funny to see daddy let you put bows in his hair.
Here are a few things about you.
You LOVE music, shoes, hair bows, dresses, animals, all food, books,drawing, painting
You are talking so good! We can now have full conversations with you and understand almost all of it. Sometimes when you get excited you talk so fast and I can't quite understand you. It is funny to see you get all excited!
You are completely potty trained. I can not recall the last accident you had. You are such a big girl. You are wearing 3T clothes and a size 8 shoe already!!
Yesterday we had your birthday party! Mommy and Lance made you a princess doll cake. We had a few friends over. Mommy and daddy got you a kitchen set and an apron. You love pretending that you are cooking!
Mommy, daddy, & Lance love you so much!! We could not imagine life without you! You are the best daughter and little sister ever.

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