Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Yesterday I was sitting in the recliner just enjoying some peace and quiet while the kids napped. Then all of a sudden the house started shaking. It took a second for it to register what was going on. I had never been in an earthquake so this was not normal to me. I sat for a second staring at the fish tank slosh back and forth, then I jumped up and thought "o my goodness I don't know what to do!" I looked over at Lance who lay soundly asleep on the couch then I ran to check on Lexie. By the time I got to Lexie the earthquake was over.
Talk about freaky. I have never felt anything like that in my life. It was crazy. There was no damage done, Thank God!
Later we learned that is was a 5.8. I did some research and found out what to do during an earthquake so next time we will be better prepared. I also learned that Alaska like California is known for earthquakes.

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