Monday, July 1, 2019

Road trip day 3

Yesterday, we made it to our old stomping grounds, Pinedale Wyoming!! We lived here for just a year and a half. We moved away when Lance was just 6 weeks old.
Town hadn’t changed too much. There were a few new buildings, but it was all mostly the same. We drove to Soda Lake for some fun. We were ready for some time out of the truck. The kids loved playing in the sand. Lance had bought a remote controlled boat at Cabelas and he was superexcited to try it out. 
We met up with some old friends, Larry & Monica, for dinner. It was so nice catching up with them!! 
We loved visiting Pinedale! It’s such a beautiful place! 

Travel days 1 & 2

We set out on our journey on Friday about noon.we had a late start since we had to wait for Lance to get his boot off. He broke his foot exactly 6 weeks ago! He was so glad to be able to walk normal again!
Day 1 we drove to St.Joseph, Missouri. The weather started out around 95 degrees, then we hita small rain storm and the temperature dropped to 65!! I was so glad, it was getting pretty hot forthe dogs. We have a camper shell on the truck so the sun isn’t shining directly on Happy & Alaska. We put a kiddie pool in the back and we add ice at each stop. This has really helped keep the girls nice and cool.

Day 2. We got an early start today! We were up at 4:15am to walk the dogs and get on the road. Our route took us through NorthWest Missouri, Southwest Iowa, across Nebraska, into Wyoming, stopping for the night in Laramie. I couldn’t believe the flooding in that part of Missouri and Iowa. It really was sad to see all the devastation! 
  We took our time traveling today, making quite a few little stops. One stop was at a lake. The dogs loved that! Next stop was Cabelas in Sydney,Nebraska.
   Once at the hotel in Laramie we hit the pool and ordered Pizza Hut. Tomorrow, will be a fun day! We are enjoying getting into the mountains andsee the wildlife. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

Going back..... for good

So in 2016, we started talking about going back to Missouri to be with family. Andrew switched jobs to a two week rotation, we sold the house and moved to Missouri. 
After almost 3 years in Missouri, we decided thatwe loved our Alaskan life way better. We were constantly having an adventure there and had suchgreat friends that we did stuff with all the time. 
This is where our Alaskan Adventure picks back up. Wednesday, June 26th we closed on the sale of our house here in Missouri and our headed back North to Alaska!!!!!!!!!